How To Find Christian Ministry-Related Podcasts For Interview Outreach

art of engagement content marketing podcast outreach Jun 04, 2024


In today's digital landscape, podcasts have become a powerful medium for spreading ideas and connecting with audiences. For nonprofit ministry leaders, these audio platforms offer an unprecedented opportunity to share your message, inspire faith, nurture prospective donors, inspire future volunteers, and grow your community.

But with millions of podcasts out there, how do you find the right ones to target? This guide will walk you through the process, helping you create a robust list of potential podcasts that align with your ministry's mission.

Why Podcast Outreach Matters for Ministry Leaders

Before we dive into the how-to, let's consider why podcast outreach should be a part of your ministry's strategy. Podcasts offer some key benefits:

1. Intimate connections with listeners
2. Access to niche audiences passionate about faith and your organization's cause
3. Opportunities to showcase your expertise in solving the issues your organization tackles and share your story
4. A platform to discuss complex topics in depth

Now, let's explore how to find these golden opportunities.

Where To Find Podcasts For Interview Pitching & Outreach For Your Ministry 

Podcast Directories: Your First Stop

Podcast directories are the cornerstone of any good podcast search strategy. Think of them as massive libraries, each shelf stocked with potential audiences for your message.

1. Apple Podcasts: The Giant of the Industry

Apple Podcasts remains the behemoth of the podcast world. To harness its power:

1. Open the Apple Podcasts app or visit
2. In the search bar, type in keywords relevant to your ministry. Try phrases like "Christian leadership," "faith-based nonprofits," or "your cause or category of work here"
3. Don't forget to explore the "Religion & Spirituality" category. This is your home turf!

Pro Tip: Pay attention to the number of ratings and reviews. A podcast with 500 five-star ratings might be a better target than one with only a handful, as it suggests a more engaged audience.

2. Spotify: Catching the Youth Wave

Spotify has rapidly become a major player in the podcast scene, especially among younger listeners. Here's how to use it effectively:

1. Open the Spotify app or head to
2. Click on "Podcasts" in the main menu
3. Use the search function, but also explore the "Religion & Spirituality" category

Pro Tip: Spotify often creates curated playlists of podcasts. Look for playlists like "Christian Living" or "Faith & Spirituality" for a goldmine of potential shows.



Leveraging Podcast Search Engines: Casting a Wider Net

While directories are great, podcast search engines allow you to cast an even wider net, searching across multiple platforms at once.


3. Listen Notes: The Google of Podcasts

Listen Notes has earned its reputation as the "Google for podcasts" thanks to its comprehensive database.

Here's how to use it:

1. Head to
2. Enter keywords related to your ministry in the search bar
3. Use the advanced filters to narrow down by language, episode length, and publish date

Pro Tip: Pay attention to the "Listen Score" provided for each podcast. This proprietary rating can help you gauge a show's popularity and influence.


4. Podchaser: Diving Deep into Podcast Data

Podchaser offers detailed information about podcasts, including guest appearances. This can be incredibly valuable for your outreach efforts:

1. Visit
2. Use the search function to find relevant podcasts
3. Explore their "Lists" feature for curated collections of podcasts

Pro Tip: Look at the "Credits" section of podcasts to see if they've had guests similar to you in the past. This can be a good indicator of whether they might be interested in your perspective.


Harnessing Social Media: Where Podcasts and Listeners Connect

Social media platforms are not just for sharing cat videos – they're also goldmines for discovering podcasts and understanding their audience engagement.


5. X / Twitter: The Conversation Hub

Twitter is where many podcast hosts and listeners actively discuss shows. To tap into this:

1. Search for hashtags like #ChristianPodcast, #FaithPodcast, or #MinistryLeadership
2. Look for tweets mentioning "podcast recommendations" along with keywords related to your ministry

Pro Tip: Follow influential figures in your ministry niche and see which podcasts they recommend or appear on. This can give you insights into the most respected shows in your field.


6. LinkedIn: Professional Podcasts and Connections

LinkedIn is a full fledged social media network today.  LinkedIn can help you find professionally-oriented podcasts and connect with hosts:

1. Search for posts mentioning podcast appearances in your network
2. Join LinkedIn groups related to ministry leadership and ask for podcast recommendations

Pro Tip: Use LinkedIn's advanced search to find podcast hosts in your niche. This can be a great way to make initial connections before pitching yourself as a guest.


7. Instagram: Visual Podcast Discovery

Many podcasts have active Instagram accounts where they engage with their audience:

1. Search for hashtags like #ChristianPodcast or #FaithBasedPodcast
2. Look at the accounts of ministry leaders you admire and see if they've tagged any podcasts

Pro Tip: Once you find a podcast in your niche, use Instagram's "Related Accounts" feature to discover similar shows.


Tapping Your Network: The Power of Personal Recommendations

Sometimes, the best recommendations come from those closest to us. Don't underestimate the power of your professional and personal networks in finding great podcasts.

1. Email 5-10 colleagues in the ministry or nonprofit sector
2. Ask them about their favorite podcasts related to faith, leadership, or nonprofit management
3. Check the websites of prominent ministry leaders for "As Heard On" or "Media" sections listing their podcast appearances

Pro Tip: Offer to share your final list of podcasts with those who help you. This collaborative approach can strengthen your professional relationships and might even lead to some unexpected opportunities.


Wrapping Up: Your Roadmap to Podcast Success

Creating a comprehensive podcast list is just the first step in your outreach journey. As you compile your list, start thinking about how your ministry's message could provide value to each podcast's audience. This mindset will help you craft compelling pitches when you're ready to reach out to hosts.

Remember, the goal isn't just to appear on as many podcasts as possible. It's about finding the right podcasts – those whose audiences will resonate with your message and mission. With this starter guide above, you now have a game plan to start navigating the vast podcast landscape and find those perfect opportunities to share your ministry's vision with the world.

Happy podcasting, and may your message reach far and wide. If you need help creating your entire podcast outreach strategy, let's talk!



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